ENGLISH | The Italian DOCs Atlas , ,

The first english edition of The Italian DOCs Atlas by Civiltà del bere.

All you need to know about the 407 Italian DOPs, divided by region and geographically located in the maps.

Only digital (pdf version)!


We are proud to present the first english edition of The Italian DOCs Atlas published by Civiltà del bere, a “crib” clearly useful to find one’s way about in the vast world of Italian PDOs. Last year huge success, when all the printed copies of the italian version went sold out, and digital copies were sold on-line by the hundreds, has led us to set our hands to it again in order to present a new english 2017 version, emended of the (luckily few) mistakes of the previous one.

We have revised some “numbers” aligning ourselves with the most common and, above all, official interpretations. We have also renewed our range of testimonials, companies and wines, proud to represent their own Designation, with new vintages on the market and revised texts.

In our sheets you will find:

  • the main grapes (with minimum and maximum percentage prescribed; but we do not specify the percentage of “other suitable grapes”)
  • the admitted types (Sparkling, White, Red, Reserve, Superior, Passito, etc…) and the minimum alcoholic strength of the bottled wine
  • the sub-zones and the geographical mentions
  • the residual sugar in g/l for sweet wines
  • the minimum planting densities in vine stumps per hectare and the maximum yields of permitted grapes in tons per hectare
  • time and type of ageing (if any)

Overall, 407 Italian designations (333 Doc e 74 Docg wines), divided by region and geographically located in the maps. If that is not enough, for each region we included data on hectares under vines, production, number of wine-growing companies, export, etc.